Realizing Near-Field Communication Mobile Payments
A Review of Technical Approaches to Realizing Near-Field Communication Mobile Payments [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Review of Technical Approaches to”] Mobile phones that support near- eld communication (NFC)a contactless, low-power technology that lets devices communicate over distances on the order of a few centimeterscan act like a smart card when presented to a contactless terminal in […]
Cross Domain Handshake Scheme
A Provably-Secure Cross-Domain Handshake Scheme with Symptoms-Matching for Mobile Healthcare Social Network [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Provably-Secure Cross-Domain Handshake”] Abstract—With rapid developments of sensor, wireless and mobile communication technologies, Mobile Healthcare Social Networks (MHSNs) have emerged as a popular means of communication in healthcare services. Within MHSNs, patients can use their mobile devices to securely share […]
Cross Domain Handshake Scheme
A Provably-Secure Cross-Domain Handshake Scheme with Symptoms-Matching for Mobile Healthcare Social Network [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Provably-Secure Cross-Domain Handshake”] Abstract—With rapid developments of sensor, wireless and mobile communication technologies, Mobile Healthcare Social Networks (MHSNs) have emerged as a popular means of communication in healthcare services. Within MHSNs, patients can use their mobile devices to securely share […]
Cloudlet Scheme for Bigdata
A Mobile Cloud Computing Model Using the Cloudlet Scheme for Big Data Applications [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Mobile Cloud Computing Model Using the Cloudlet Scheme for Big Data”] Abstract- The wide spread of smart phones and their capabilities made them an important part of many people’s life over the world. However, there are many challenges facing […]
Mobile Cloud Computing
A Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Model for Secure Big Data [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Model for”] Abstract—Mobile cloud computing provides a novel ecommerce mode for organizations without any upfront investment. Since cloud computing uses distributed resources in open environment, it is important to provide secure keys to share the data for developing […]