Effects of e-Marketing and Consumer Lifestyle towards the Style of Decision Making in Online Purchase of Movie Ticket
Online Movie Ticket Booking Project App
Effects of e-Marketing and Consumer Lifestyle towards the Style of Decision Making in Online Purchase of Movie Ticket
E-marketing has been defined as an assessment of perception, which is derived from an evaluation process where customers compare their expectations with perceived marketing will be accepted. E-marketing is also described as a form of marketing strategy stages associated with the sales model. The model is expected to affect a person in making purchasing decisions. Based on these arguments, the first hypothesis can be formulated as follows: Ha1 : There is a significant effect between e-marketing towards the movie tickets purchase decision making style. It is stated that the satisfied consumer will be more loyal when getting a positive marketing of the company. Marketing components will affect decision-making, associated with one’s desire to maintain a continuous plan and sharing of the results or specific activities. Consumer purchase decision styles cannot be separated from their lifestyle. Consumers want to buy products that are useful and have a good quality. Therefore, marketers should be viewed from the standpoint of consumers ranging from the environment, requirements, demographics, personality, and lifestyle. Based on these arguments, the second hypothesis can be formulated as follows: Ha2 : There is a significant effect between the consumer life style towards the movie tickets purchase decision making style. On the basis of e-marketing, the stages of a marketing strategy which associated with the sales model, are expected to occur in accordance with reality so it can support consumers in making their purchasing decision. Consumer purchase decision cannot be separated from the lifestyle of those who want to buy useful and good quality products. Thus, the marketers should be viewed from the viewpoint of consumers ranging from the environment, requirements, demographics, personality, and lifestyle. Based on these arguments, the third hypothesis can be formulated as follows: Ha3 : There is a significant effect between the e-marketing and consumers lifestyle simultaneously towards the movie tickets purchase decision making style.

The population in this study was the moviegoers in Jakarta during June 2015. The required number of samples in this study was 100 respondents. We chose the city as the location of sampling with the consideration that economic progress in recent years, there are many tourist attractions, cinema theaters convenience, Internet accessibility, the high of traffic congestion, and the high of busy work rate. The questionnaire design in this paper includes four major parts, which are: e-marketing, life-style, purchase decision making style, and basic information of respondent. In order to measure the e-marketing, this study adopted the perspectives of Kalyanam & McIntyre [5]. The questionnaire on life-style measurement, which is developed based on referring the studies of Plummer (1974). As far as selecting the dimension of consumer decision making style, this study mainly takes reference from the dimensions developed by Bandara (2014). A respondent’s basic information includes whether he/she had made online purchase on movie tickets, gender, age, educational background, job type, average monthly expenses, and the experience of online purchase. The collected data were processed by computer software, which is SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) version 19. In this study, the analysis began in several research instruments, which are questionnaires by using validity and reliability test then continue with data normality test and data processing continued with corelation analysis and path analysis. The data processing had to be done to answer the purposes of study, so the conclusion can be made to led to the target. The validity test of which is used to declare the validity of each item is to look at the correlation and comparison of between rtable and rvalue. At the level of 10% was obtained the error rate value of rtable 0.165 (df = 100-2 = 98), because all items had a positive correlation and rvalue had a value greater than rtable (0.165). Thus, it can be stated that all items in this study were valid on all respondents. In this study, the reliability test was performed by using Cronbach Alpha. In Table I showed that the resulting coefficient of reliability test in e-marketing variables were 0.861, consumer lifestyle were 0.691, and purchase decision making style were 0.830. It meant that the test was said to be reliable since the alpha value is greater than rtable (0.165). Thus the three variables of measuring instrument can be expressed reliably so that it can be used as data for further analysis. Code Shoppy
Through data processing result, can be concluded that analysis through this model is actually able to be implemented in the cinema industry. Each variable is related and has significant impact either simultaneously or partially at the end activity that needs to be reached. So things that learnt throughout this study such as follows : 1)The influence of e-marketing to decision making style purchases through the website by tvalue amounted to 3.936, meaning that the e-marketing influence on the purchase decision-making style. This means that if the better e-marketing performed by the theater company, the decision-making style of movie ticket purchases through the website will increase. 2)The influence of consumer’s lifestyle towards the decision making style of movie tickets purchasing through the website by tvalue amounted to 5,127, meaning that lifestyle influence consumer purchase decision making styles. This means that if the lifestyles of consumers is better, the decision-making style movie ticket purchases through the website is increasing. 3)Based on test results obtained Fvalue 32.605 F with a significant level of 0.000. Fvalue (32.605) is greater than F table (2.358), the regression model can be used to predict the purchase decision making styles. It also said that e-marketing and consumer lifestyle together simultaneously influence towards the purchase decision making style of movie ticket. Through the study result that has been done, the researcher suggested: 1)On the website, there should be a room to communicate (chat room) with supporting staff by using study approach so that communication can done well between customers and company and the company is able to respond to the customer’s complain as fast as possible. 2)Put more attention to the consumer life style so can be adjusted to the list of movies shown, not only plays box office movies and Korea films, but also manifest French movie festival or movie from some other countries. 3)Promoting the website by e-mail and other social media such as Instagram and Path. So the existence of the company website can be noticed by wide consumers and to support the consumer’s decision making to purchase online ticket easily by maximizing the use of the website.