This paper involves fabrication of an android controlled system which can support movement of robot. The objective is to develop a platform that is a combination of hardware and software for human machine interaction. The design provides an approachable system for robot to communicate with android application via Bluetooth mounted on it. Two segments are used as hardware implementation in this robot to perform various tasks with efficiency. latest mca project topics 2019 The first segment uses an embedded system which is Arduino Board 2560. In the second segment a Bluetooth module is integrated for communication with android application (to and fro). Android application is designed to control the hardware as desired and display the received real time data from the hardware on android device.
A robot is a device to perform the task with accuracy andprecision. This can be done by programming for decisionmaking to process the conditional performance by therobots. With advancement of robotic technology andmechatronics principles, total performances aredetected for different operations at a time and reported to the user. This systemconsists of the following modes: (a)Transmitter mode:In this mode signals are processed by transmitting enddevice, to send to receiver. (b)Receiver Mode:In this mode received signals are processed by receiving enddevice and processed accordingly. Both android device and robot work in transmitter and receiver mode. The objective is elaborated as, to provide mechanism forcontrolling an Arduino based robot for desired output and sending real time sensor or monitoring data to android application.The more efficient algorithm is applied for robot in thegiven environment. It activates particular motor withrelevant direction. Bluetooth is used to communicatebetween microcontroller (ATmega 2560) and android application, tocontrol the kinetics of robot [1].
This paper presents the robotic system for android supported device which can be modelled by variouspurposes using algorithm for comfort to people andcan be interfaced by using Arduino board and varioustypes of sensors. Various aspects show it servesbetter result than manual system. To install smartandroid application for smooth movement of robot. Implementation of this robot has significant saving in terms of time, efficiency and saving the wastage ofresources and reduced utilization of manpower shouldpay the cost once the system is activated.