Women Safety And Security App
This paper suggests a new technology to protect women. It focuses on their security so that they never feel helpless. The paper consists of various modules such as GSM, GPS, shock circuit, camera and Raspberry pi-3. The basic idea of the project is alarming the emergency contacts on pressing the emergency switch located on the side of the shoe. Inside the shoe, there are GPS and GSM modules that combinedly send the location to the emergency contact. The shock circuit generates a shock of 400KV that is sufficient to buy the victim enough time to escape. Meanwhile, on pressing the switch, message will be sent asking for help containing a link that directs the guardian to Amazon Web Services Kinesis that offers live streaming or to a google drive link (by MotionEyeOS) where 30 seconds short clips would be saved. The live video is recorded with the help of camera. The 5 V battery used in the shock circuit is powered by piezoelectric sensors connected in series at the sole of the shoe. Figure 1 shows the block diagram used in this paper.
The main controllers used in this project are Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi. There are GPS and GSM modules connected to Arduino whereas the camera module is attached to Raspberry Pi. If a woman is walking alone or faces any danger, she should immediately press the emergency button present on the shoe. As soon as the button is pressed, electric teaser is activated which can be used to give shock to the attacker, the electric teaser produces 400KV shock, simultaneously, GPS and GSM modules are activated with the help of Arduino Uno. GPS module calculates your exact location by knowing the latitude and longitude position whereas the GSM module sends the location of the person as well as a link that contains the video live streaming which will help in identifying the attacker and also keep them updated about the situation to bring help accordingly. The camera module works on Raspberry Pi and can be kept on even before stepping out of the house at night or to lonely places. This paper used Motioneyeos for storing videos to the google drive. The camera can be embedded into a locket and hence could capture proper timeline of events. Alternatively, another switch can be used to start the camera’s capturing feature. The GPS and GSM modules miniature version chip can be included in the real shoe like its done in cell phones so that it can easily fit inside the sole of the shoe. Our choice of shoe is really handy because even if the hands of the women are tied up, they can still press the shoes against each other to activate the switch or press it firmly against any object or even the ground to alert the pre-stored emergency contacts. Similarly, the women can give shock to the attacker by just kicking backwards which is very easy and intuitive too. Also it is not easily guessed if the emergency button would be present on the shoe.
HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The diagram of components available inside the shoe module is shown in Figure 3. This module consists of GPS and GSM modules which are described in the subsequent section.
A.GPS module GPS is a space-based satellite navigation system. It provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth. A minimum of four satellites may be required to compute the four dimensions of X, Y, Z (latitude, longitude and elevation) and time. GPS receiver converts the received signals into position[6].
B.GSM module A GSM module is a specialized type of module that accepts a SIM card and operates over a subscription to a mobile operator just like a mobile phone[6]. It delivers messages to the pre-stored numbers in case of an emergency and hence alerts the family members. This is the most important part of the project. Both the GPS as well as the GSM modules are interfaced with the Arduino as seen in Figure 3. site has been used to make that circuit.
C.Camera Module A camera module is an image sensor integrated with a lens, control electronics, and an interface[7]. It gets interfaced with Raspberry Pi into the locket module to stream live video as shown in Figure 4. The real model is shown in Figure 5. Code Shoppy