Study on the Centralization Strategy of the Blood Allocation among Different Departments within a Hospital
Hospital Management System Project
Study on the Centralization Strategy of the Blood Allocation among Different Departments within a Hospital
This paper mainly studies on how to distribute theblood items among different departments within a hospital. Theimproper allocation of blood in hospital at present could causesevere shortage and wastage of blood resource, which mayendanger patient’s lives and impose considerable costs onhospital. In order to solve this problem, we investigate the novelallocation method by centralizing the blood inventory of somedepartments. This paper illustrates the centralization principle inhospital, and formulates the integer programming model to workout the optimal allocation network scheme and the optimalinventory setting for every department. The results of thenumerical example demonstrate that this centralization methodcould considerably reduce blood shortage and wastage in hospitalby about 80% and 28% respectively. Furthermore, it coulddecrease the total cost by about 5000 Yuan in the hospital andimprove the effect of some certain surgeries by transfusing thefresh blood to patients. Code Shoppy

Human blood is a scarce resource due to its irreplaceabilityand perishability. It is paramount that blood is available forvarious departments in hospital, since the shortage of freshblood may postpone the scheduled surgeries and make thehospital fail to satisfy the requirement of the emergencydeliveries and consequently endanger patients’ lives. Thewastage of blood in hospital could also impose extraconsiderable costs on blood sampling, testing, transportationand inventory. Furthermore, recent studies show that fresherblood products are crucial for transfusion purpose, which couldbring better result for certain types of patient groups [2].Therefore, minimizing shortage and wastage of the blooditems and reducing the age of transfused blood items are themain tasks related to the management of blood. One effectiveway to solve this problem is to reshuffle the structure of bloodinventory and build appropriate blood allocation model byintegrating the blood inventory requirements of somedepartments in hospital, rather than attaining blood items fromhospital’s inventory respectively. What’s more, the amount ofblood used for a medical procedure is prone to beoverestimated for safety issues. Combining the bloodrequirements of different departments could avoid theaforementioned issue effectively, by which the shortage ofblood in some departments could be supplied by the wastage inother departments.The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section tworeviews the related literature. Section three illustrates thecentralization principle in integrating the blood inventoryrequirements of some departments in hospital, and thenformulates the model used to work out the optimal allocationnetwork scheme and the optimal inventory set for everydepartment. Section four presents a numerical example of ahospital in Shanghai to verify the availability of the applicationof centralizing blood inventory and the final optimal bloodallocation network scheme. Section five offers conclusions andopportunities for future work.
In this section, we list the data we collected in our analysisand discuss the numerical results obtained from above modelsusing IBM ILOG CPLEX 12.1 and MATLAB 2013b softwareand numerical methods.A. DataHere we present a numerical example of a hospital inShanghai to verify the availability of the centralization methodand the final optimal blood allocation network policy. The datain this numerical example is given in table 5.We adopt the historical blood data of 24 months from 2015to 2016 on eleven departments’ the applied amount of bloodand the actual amount of blood transfused to patients in thathospital, and then calculate the average value of every item andget the data table according to the first step of centralizationprinciple
B. Numerical ResultsBy using IBM ILOG CPLEX 12.1 and MATLAB 2013bsoftware and numerical methods to solve our model, we obtainthe results as Table7 and Fig4.Table 7 compares the results of the case that alldepartments receive blood items from hospital’s inventorydirectly (case 1) with the centralized case which we attainedfrom our model (case 2).Fig4 shows that the optimal allocation network ofcentralizing the setting inventory of departments. Thedepartment labeled with a circle in figure 4 means that it holdsthe blood inventory in its group. As can be noted, the total cost z is decreased by more than5000 Yuan after centralizing some certain departments’ bloodinventory. And the centralization reduces the wastage inhospital by about 28% remarkably and the shortage by almost80% considerably, since the shortage of blood in somedepartments could be supplied by the wastage in otherdepartments. This proves that the centralization could helphospital save costs on purchasing unnecessary blood items andimprove the effect of emergency surgeries by transfusing freshblood. Therefore, the availability of the centralization methodhas been verified.