Blood Bank Information System Using Android Application
Blood Bank Information System Using Android Application
Availability of blood during emergencies is highly critical for every single living thing. There are number of electronic blood donation centers for effective communication between them and medical facilities. None of the online blood donation center offers the immediate contact amongst beneficiary and them. This is the real downside of the current framework. The existing frameworks are tedious; require more labor and expensive. This paper presents a correlation between existing blood bank framework and enhanced framework to improve the effectiveness. The new considerations may increase the efficacy of current blood banks and help to upgrade from ordinary desktop framework to portable framework. The proposed work further discusses the components of enhanced framework in numerous perspectives such as the data being stored, data for future applications like kind of blood groups being donated and received by the individuals.
The requirement for the blood is essential for treatments in Hospitals and other medical centers especially during emergencies. To save the life there is a need of blood for every individual. The primary aim of a blood bank is to receive the blood from different donors, to screen the database of blood groups and to provide the adequate blood whenever required to the hospital during crises. The blood bank manager manages the information i.e. process the available data. This process is known as Management Information System (MIS) [1]. The MIS consist of input, output, and data processing for useful information and further control. There are numerous factors to validate the need of the MIS such as increased complexity, global competition, economy, social constraints etc. The blood bank managers use the available information system [2-4] to take appropriate judgments to tackle difficulties. The computer information is available in oral as well as written forms by suitable processing. The information processing includes the computer-based application areas such as DSS, MIS and AIS the virtual office and knowledge based systems. Cloud based technologies may prove to be important in delivery of blood during emergencies. Android Based blood bank Application in Cloud Computing has been presented in [5-6]. The blood donor information and management system optimization using a web based Android application has been presented by Priya et al. [7]. A mobile phone application is being developed to enable the searching of the nearest blood donor volunteer and the further communication with him/her in the emergency situations by Turhan [8]. The upkeep data of available blood of different groups and donors in nearby area may play a crucial role for the timely treatment of patients in emergency situations. The Blood Inventory Control System through Computerized Inventory Control has been discussed by Catassi and Petersen [9]. The blood bank area may be benefitted by Data mining. This may be a basic tool to investigate the collected data by blood banks through their information systems. The classification and prediction about the blood donors turnout per their age and blood group has been presented by Sharma and Gupta [10] by using J48 algorithm and Weka tool. In many countries the participation from donors is going to be restricted due to apprehensions regarding health effects and an overall lack of information of general masses concerning the importance and no risk involved in blood donation. Many individuals wrongly believe that donating blood is not safe. The various reasons that may affects the donor numbers across Canadian metropolitan areas have been discussed by Saberton et al. [11]. The facility to recognize individual blood donors may leads the blood banks and welfare organizations to prepare the strategies for arranging blood donation camps in an effective manner. The blood donation trend using the CART decision tree algorithm has been discussed by Santhanm and Sunderam [12]. The scarcity of blood is an important factor while treating during medical emergencies. Premasudha [13] has presented a Geographic Information System (GIS) integrated with blood bank information system to help the blood bank persons to improve and upkeep the available blood by reviewing the classification, spatial distribution of donors and describing the blood bank amenities. All these concerns have been covered using several GIS functions including network analysis, buffer analysis and overlay analysis. The proposed work may make the procedure of blood donation centers less tedious. In this there are different modules for contributor, recipient, and blood donation center. Giver needs to enlist himself to utilize this enhanced blood donation framework. The beneficiary likewise needs to enroll themselves at blood donation center to check the blood accessibility. The blood donation center administration offers functionalities for fast access to benefactor records gathered from different parts of the nation. It empowers observing the outcomes and execution of the blood gift movement to such an extent that significant and quantifiable targets of the association can be checked.
The proposed Android is more user-friendly and easy to use as compared to existing blood bank apps. In existing interfaces their statistics shows how many units of required blood group are available. The reports section shows the month in which blood group are being distributed and received. In this interface donor’s name registration, phone no and blood groups need to be donated are included. It also includes the blood quantity to be stored in the app database. This can be called as new entry as a user may enter his/her details in the database. While in the receiver’s form this has individual’s name, phone no (which a user can contact), their blood groups need to be received and the total amount of quantity. After submitting these data in the database, these fields are visible during transaction process. This shows how much quantity of blood has been donated/received to the/by user. Thus this work may increase the usefulness of the existing blood banks and help to upgrade from conventional framework to more convenient and user supportive framework.