Cloudlet Scheme for Bigdata
A Mobile Cloud Computing Model Using the Cloudlet Scheme for Big Data Applications
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Abstract- The wide spread of smart phones and their capabilities
made them an important part of many people’s life over the
world. However, there are many challenges facing these devices
such as: low computing power and fast energy drain from their
batteries. One solution is to use mobile cloud computing services
to run certain tasks at the cloud and returning back the results to
the mobile device saving space and processing power. In this
research, we introduce efficient Mobile Cloud Computing model
based on the Cloudlet sheme. In our model, the mobile device
don’t need to communicate with the enterprise cloud server and
instead contact the Cloudlet directly using cheaper technologies
such as Wi-Fi, and no need for 3G/4G. Also, we propose a
master-cloudlet management scheme to organize the
communication between the cloudlets themselves. Our efficient
mobile cloud computing model can be applied in many
environments including universities and hospitals were big
amounts of data is collected, stored and processed. The real
implementation results show that our model out performs
classical non-cloudlet mobile cloud computing models.
Keywords— Mobile Cloud Computing, CloudLet Scheme, Big Data
Nowadays, technology has rapidly risen from sticking to a
single working area to variable locations depending on many
factors including comfort and high speed stable internet
connection. Those factors emerge the use of mobile computing
for an easier life. Therefore, mobile computing continues to be
a main service in data communication and networking
technologies [1].
Mobile Computing is a technology which allows sending
and receiving data to any other wireless enabled device without
having to be connected to a fixed physical link. As shown in
Figure (1), mobile computing include using small size portable
computer to run standalone applications through wireless
networks or 3G, 4G technology [2].
Another recent raising technology trend is the cloud
computing that integrates different technologies to build a new
type of the organizations IT infrastructure. In cloud the
technology is used when you need it and for as long as you
need it without installing it on your machine. All resources you
need (hardware and software) are provided for you as a service
by another vendor and accessed over the Internet in an efficient
and easy way [3] as can be seen from Figure 2.
The cloud computing environment contains set of scalable
resources that include hardware infrastructure, storage,
computation platforms, software and applications, which can
be provisioned as a service to the user reducing the cost and
application hosting and storage [4]. Examples of cloud
computing infrastructures and platforms are Microsoft Azure,
Amazon EC2, and Aneka [5]. Also, the cloud services might be
deployed as public, private, hybrid or community cloud [6],
allowing access to the stored information from anywhere at any
time. So, in conclusion, cloud computing can be used in
environments that require cost and time efficiency, backup and
recovery, and enhancing productivity [7].
In addition to cloud computing, Mobile Cloud Computing
(MCC) is a recent technology that is growing rapidly. But in
reality there are many challenges facing the real
implementation of MCC environment including the short life
of the battery in mobile devices. Also, those devices don’t have
enough memory and processing capability to perform
applications with intensive calculations such as image
processing and social networking [8]. This drives the need to
provide an integrated framework for enabling energy-efficient
reliable mobile cloud services. The MCC model allows data
storage and processing to be offloaded to the cloud platform
resulting in better reliability and availability and optimized
energy [9].
In this paper, we introduce efficient and secure Mobile
Cloud Computing (MCC) model that is based on the Cloudlet
scheme. In the new model, the mobile devices don’t need to
contact the cloud server and instead contact the Cloudlet. This
will allow users to connect directly to cloud resources using
cheaper technologies such as Wi-Fi.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: related work
is presented in the next section. Section III presents the
proposed mobile cloud computing model based on the cloudlet
scheme. The experimental implementation results are shown in
Section IV, and Section V concludes this work.